Monday, September 15, 2014

Artists Diary, week ending 14 September 2014

Keeping up with Deadlines

I thought I'd look up the origin of the word 'deadline' but it wasnt as interesting as it could have been. Although I like the printmaking context. " representing a guideline marked on a plate for a printing press "

Anyway, I managed to keep within another couple - this year has been HUGE. This week I have finished a large commissioned work and managed to bring a couple of new pieces to the North Shore Craft Group's weekend show at the Wildflower Gardens, St.Ives.

But now, I must say despite another commission that needs to be finished; I have had to rest a little. And what happens when you slow down? You lose the momentum and sitting on the couch at night mindlessly looking at a screen (various electronic devices), is the default activity. Actually it appears I have a cold virus that has been percolating in my system, so I probably need to indulge myself a bit.

Really love the stoneware goblets one of my classes made at Hawkesbury Community Arts Workshop

Part of my display at the Wildflower Gardens

And here is a glimpse of my paintings making a good backdrop for the beautiful works
by some other members of the North Shore Craft Group

For those interested in wonderful high quality craft - be sure to come to the North Shore Craft Group's Christmas Exhibition in November at Thornleigh. Stay tuned!

Its been a productive week - finished 2 works and 2 more are nearly done

Coming up:

There is currently a group show on at Breathing Colours Gallery "Cant Wait Til Summer", I have a small number of works there and there are other great artists that are worth checking out.

Im not sure if there are any spaces left - but I have a one day painting workshop in Parramatta with the Parramatta Art Society, feel free to enquire via the link.

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